Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just when you start thinkin'

...that your great, and the world loves you and just could never continue turning without you,
you suddenly find just how cruel and cold the world really is, again. This keeps occuring over and over.
Well why can't you be great even if the world is so cold? People are so wrapped up in their lives nowadays, they seem released from any type of loyalty. They don't seem to feel that they have any responsibility towards fellow humans nor are they responsible in any way shape or form for the well being of others. Giving to the food shelf on occasion and sending money to Katrina seems to suffice for them.
We're not all created the same. Me? I cannot be the robot that most others are. These robots seem to expect others to be robots and treat them as such. It's disheartening because I don't see this changing and I don't see me changing into this. I am very convinced its the only way to be if I am going to be succesful anytime in the near future.
The very fact that I am using this machine to type these words pretty much makes me a default robot.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I have the wrong outlook. Maybe I am not perceiving things correctly. But how does one change when stuck on a rollercoaster that never stops?
I gotta find out. Gotta reinvent myself again. Gotta keep my head up as I am being bent over again and again. Well boo hoo for me huh?
Yeah I am down but I'll get back up again, why? It just escapes me. Seems the right thing to do.

One things for sure...and I gotta say this...I am tired of your shit corporate America.


Blogger CuTRis said...

As Corporate America continues to beat-up on the "little guys," this same faceless giant will eventually come to realize that it can't exist without those same "little people" who built it up into the greedy monster it has become.
In plain English, your employees are in a larger sense, also your customers. Destroy the employee and you've ruined your customer base.

8:36 AM  

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