Thursday, April 02, 2009

dear michelle...

Dear Michelle Buttmann (Bachmann),

Just a few lines of advice for you.

1. The economic butt would like to invite you to have sex with yourself (or Rush Limbaugh) your choice.
2. The economic butt highly doubts that you are really from Minnesota just like Norm Coleman isn't,but likes to act like he is.
3. Revolution is the last thing needed during times like this, if you were truly interested in
helping this country out of this mess (that your Grand Old Pig party) got us into? You'd be calling for us all to come together.
4. Cutris says you are a great big puss.
5. Start helping or shut your Yapper.
and lastly...
Please move to Kentucky or Alabama or wherever it is you came from because you are an embarrasment to all Minnesotans.

The Economic Butt